How to go to Ayutthaya
You can catch a bus every 20 minutes at the Moh Chit terminal in Bangkok. If you travel first class you will have air conditioning and the journey will take at least an hour and a half, according to the traffic. It costs approximately 55 Bath.
To check schedules, prices or to avoid waiting lines, click here.
That was our choice. The cheapest and the best to enjoy the landscape, accompanied by the dubious lunch that they served us. You can take the train from Hualamphong Station in Bangkok. The journey will take between an hour and a half and two and a half hours, according to the train. In second class, tickets cost between 250 and 350 bath and, in third class, between 15 and 20 bath.
To check schedules, prices or to avoid waiting lines, click here.
Where to stay in Ayutthaya
Our suggestion is the area of Naresuan Road, close to Historical Park. There you will find several options in a relatively quiet area, with low budget options and close to some points of interest. If you plan what to do in Ayutthaya before booking a hotel you will easily understand why Naresuan Road is a good option, even more if you are short in time.
This street is popular amongst backpackers and it is also know as the “farang” street.
In the surroundings you’ll also find some places to go shopping, as the Chao Phrom Market and some outlets.
To check hotels and rate, or book while You support our project, please click here.

Nasci em 1982, cresci no Alentejo e, depois de 7 anos a viver em Coimbra, acabei por me estabelecer no Porto, onde vivo desde 2007.
Sou formado em filosofia mas, mais recentemente, estudei marketing digital. O que aprendi neste trajeto, aliado à paixão por viajar e pela partilha de experiências, motivou a criação e está na génese da Backpackers Bay. Um espaço onde vou partilhando as minhas experiências, algumas sugestões e dicas. Com o avançar do tempo espero conseguir cobrir todos os destinos que fui visitando, como a Tailândia, a Índia, o Cambodja, a Indonésia, a Tunísia, Marrocos, Espanha, França, Inglaterra, Suiça, Alemanha, Eslovénia, Grécia, Roménia, Bulgária, Turquia, entre outros, assim como aqueles que espero visitar no futuro.
Para além das viagens, sou um apaixonado por slackline. Aproveito para vos deixar um convite/desafio para conhecerem o meu outro blog: o All About Slackline e, quem sabe, para experimentarem a modalidade.
Boa Viagem…