What to do in Bangkok
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“Bangkok is an amazing city, full of life and points of interest, that you can not miss on your trip to Thailand. I think two or three days will be the perfect time to stay there. It will be enough to visit the main temples, markets and other places like the floating market, using Khao San Road as your base. “
What to do in Bangkok, the best attractions:
Where to stay in Bangkok:
Our suggestion could not be otherwise!
A central street, the most popular amosgst backpackers. Full of life and where you will find many travelers like you.
You’ll find lots of options regarding bars, restaurants, shops, massage centers and places to stay for all kinds of budget.
To check hotels and to book you hotel with the best rates, click here.
Transports in Bangkok
40 Bath or more for a trip. It is super fun but it should be noted that drivers will try to divert our route to points where they receive commissions. Be prepared to have to bargain the price each trip.
It can even be cheaper than tuk tuk, if you know how to negotiate. The minimum fare on a trip will be around 40 Bath. To move around the central perimeter of Bangkok, it should not exceed 200 Bath.
You can travel to any area of Bangkok, spending a maximum of 20 Baths. Bus stops are all over the city.
In the subway or sky train you can travel in the center of Bangkok, spending a maximum of 40 Bath / trip.
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Nasci em 1982, cresci no Alentejo e, depois de 7 anos a viver em Coimbra, acabei por me estabelecer no Porto, onde vivo desde 2007.
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