“Old Sukhothai was one of the places we enjoyed most in Thailand. It occupies a vast area of about 70 km2, full of ruins that will certainly have a strong impact, especially in westerners, less accustomed to such scenarios. We have been in Sukhothai a day and a half, with a map and compass in hand and aways pedaling. But we might as well have stayed another day to cover the whole historical park, that has more than 190 ruins. “
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What to see in Sukhothai, the main attractions:
Historical Park: You can buy the ticket for the 5 areas for 100 Bath each. Rent a bike and go for some impressive ruins hunt.
Opening hours: 06.00h to 18.00h. Some sites are open until 21.00h.
How to get to the Historial Park: From new Sukhothai (new city) , you can take a mini-bus in the Mueang Kao area, near the police box. There is one departing every 20 minutes.
Note: Our blog provides information regarding prices and opening hours . But, as they may be subject to changes, We advice you to check that info in the oficial websites. If possible, we will provide a link on any page with that kind of information.
How to get to Sukhothai
Bangkok – Sukhothai:
If you choose Suvarnabhumi airport, in Bangkok, the trip will be about an hour and a half, for approximately 3000 bath ($92 / 80€).
You can also fly daily from the Don Mueang airport , in Bangkok, to Sukhothai airport. The Flight will be cheaper but will also take longer, about two hours and a half, for approximately 2500 bath ($77 / 70€).
A transfer from the Sukhothai airport to the city, old or new town, should be around 300 bath ($9 / 8€).
Click here to check schedules, prices and book your ticket.
You can take a train from Bangkok Hua Lamphong Station to the nearest station to Sukhothai, which is Phitsanulok train station, 60km away. The ticket will cost you 400 bath ($12 / 10€) and the trip will take around seven hours. From there you can continue your trip by bus(no. 10) or tuk tuk, which will take about an hour.
Click here to check schedules, prices and book your ticket.
Bangkok – Sukhothai :
You can catch a bus at Mo Chit station, between 07.00h and 23.00h, for about 550 bath ($17 / 15€). The trip takes 7 hours.
Chiang Mai – Sukhothai:
You can catch a bus at the Arcade bus terminal station, between 07.00h and 24.00h, for price starting at 450 bath ($14 / 12€). The trip takes 5 hours.
Ayutthaya – Sukhothai:
This was our route, we did a good part of the trip on foot because the bus was full, but we survived.
You can take the bus from Ayutthaya bus station, between 07:00 and 19:00. The trip costs about 300 bath ($9,5 / 8,5€) and will take approximately 6 hours.
Click here to check schedules, prices and book your ticket.
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Where to stay in Sukhothai
Sukhothai is composed of two distinct zones, New Sukhothai and Old Sukhothai, where the historical park is located.
We suggest you stay in Old Sukhothai, a small village that has everything you need and is practically inserted in the historical park. From this area you can visit some of the attractions on foot and the rest are in the distance for pedaling on your bike.
Click here to check the best hotels and rates.
Nasci em 1982, cresci no Alentejo e, depois de 7 anos a viver em Coimbra, acabei por me estabelecer no Porto, onde vivo desde 2007.
Sou formado em filosofia mas, mais recentemente, estudei marketing digital. O que aprendi neste trajeto, aliado à paixão por viajar e pela partilha de experiências, motivou a criação e está na génese da Backpackers Bay. Um espaço onde vou partilhando as minhas experiências, algumas sugestões e dicas. Com o avançar do tempo espero conseguir cobrir todos os destinos que fui visitando, como a Tailândia, a Índia, o Cambodja, a Indonésia, a Tunísia, Marrocos, Espanha, França, Inglaterra, Suiça, Alemanha, Eslovénia, Grécia, Roménia, Bulgária, Turquia, entre outros, assim como aqueles que espero visitar no futuro.
Para além das viagens, sou um apaixonado por slackline. Aproveito para vos deixar um convite/desafio para conhecerem o meu outro blog: o All About Slackline e, quem sabe, para experimentarem a modalidade.
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